Meet Nicole!
Hey, I’m Nicole, married to my husband Chris and mother to our five kids. That’s right, five kids. I know all about the loud, sticky, messy, smelly, exhausting, chaotic parts of raising a family. I also know about all the beautiful, warm, funny, spontaneous, magical parts of raising a family too. I mean, most days life is like herding cats, but I cannot imagine life without my five little humans. Time is fleeting, and they are changing everyday. It can be challenging to cherish the sweet, affectionate moments after being screeched at for hours, but I do cherish them. The days are long and the years are short, right!?! There will come a day that they aren’t so little, sticky, and smelly (I hope. LOL!), and I want pictures to help remind me of what I will surely miss. I believe it’s a beautiful gift for my children, too. I really believe moms and dads loving each other and their children is a beautiful sight worth capturing.
A little more about me…I love personality tests. Do you know your Myer’s Briggs? ENFP here, heavy on the N and P. I think it can be a great tool to become a bit more self-aware. I can play to my strengths, and I can be more intentional when it comes to my weaknesses. PLUS, they are just fun! I will do any personality test, even those silly Facebook ones that ask you four questions to tell you the color of you aurora. LOL. Moving on. Food. I feel that BBQs are where friends become family. Give me something grilled or smoked, coleslaw, baked beans, a cold beer, and wonderful people, and I’m good to go! I’m from North Carolina and LOVE North Carolina BBQ, but honestly I like any type of BBQ (NC is my fave, though).
Chris, my husband, is in the Army, so home is where the Army takes us. The Army has given us the opportunity to see different places and meet amazing people along the way. We started at Fort Drum, NY, then went to Fort Rucker, AL, then Schofield Barracks in Hawaii, an now back to Fort Drum! We definitely miss beautiful Hawaii and all the people we met there, but we are excited to be where we grew most of our family.