Before and After

I thought it would be fun to share a little behind the monitor by showing you some before and afters. My approach to editing is to get it “right” in camera by taking a properly exposed picture and then enhance. During my sessions, I actually let families look at the pictures I have taken on the back of my camera. Not all photographers do that, because editing is important, and they want their clients to see the finished product first. For me, I am after the emotion and I hope by showing them the back of my camera they can relax by seeing how perfect they are. The editing just helps showcase the beauty and love that’s already there.

Here is an example of a recent Fresh 48. I like the images to remain natural. I am documenting memories, and my hope is when families look at their pictures years down the road, they are taken back in time and remember what it was like to first holding and smelling their new baby.