Tips for Better Pictures of My Newborn

Tips for Better Pictures of My Newborn

Those first days and weeks of life are a whirlwind. Everyone is still getting to know each other, Mom is recovering, the baby is being monitored and examined from head to toe by everyone. This time can be exhausting, emotional, and raw! Ideally, a professional photography would be able to document those details, emotions, and connections. Unfortunately, it’s not always in the cards (like during a pandemic), but I truly think they should be captured in some way.

Tips to Take Better Pictures at Home

Tips to Take Better Pictures at Home

Most of us have been gifted extra time with our family. If you are like us, you are probably doing some supplemental school work, running in the back yard, baking boxed brownies, and playing lots of games. Even in a pandemic, these are memories for you and your children and worth capturing. I have a few tips to get better pictures of your kids. No fancy equipment required